Ezili Danto: Transgressing Sex and Gender in Haitian Vodou

Friday, February 26, 2010
UCSB Center for Black Studies Research, 4603 South Hall

Lecture by Eziaku Nwokocha

Eziaku Nwokocha is majoring in Black Studies and Feminist Studies. She is a McNair Scholar, mentored by Nadège Clitandre and Roberto Strongman.
Her work examines the boundaries and borders of sexuality and gender with in Haitian Vodou Religion. This presentation focuses on the role and representation of Ezili Danto, the Lwa (Haitian Vodou deity) of strength and motherhood. Exploring the ways in which Haitian scholars and practitioners view Danto's sexuality, Nwokocha argues that Danto puts into question fixed gendered identities grounded in conventional understandings of sexuality. She further argues that Danto is a complex figure that is fluid, multifaceted and provides an interesting perspective for understanding LGBTQI communities.