The Role of the NAACP in American State Formation & Development

Michael K. Dzordzormenyoh, Ph.D.
Course Description:
Current racial injustice and the demand for equity and justice in the United States remains a complex and perplexing issue to both scholars, pundits, and the general public. However, over the course of American history several civic society organizations like the National Association for the Advancing of Colored People (NAACP) played an important role in shaping the debate on racial injustice and hence influencing how the state and institutions of governance was formed and developed. Nevertheless, the literature in American Political Development (APD) and civil societies does little to capture the contributions of minority organizations in shaping the formation and development of the American state. In this course we will examine what APD as a field is all about. How we APD uses historical knowledge to help us understand current events especially about racial injustice and examine some of the ways NAACP shape state formation and development in the United States. The course is discovery course designed for students who seek a thought provoking and historical/political view on racial justice.
More information coming soon.