50 Years of the Black Panther Party

Revolutionary Art and the Black Radical Tradition
Monday, November 14, 2016

Clyde Woods Memorial Lecture
"Revolutionary Art and Black Liberation:
The Black Panther Party to Black Lives Matter and Beyond"
Monday, November 14, 2016
6–8 p.m.
MultiCultural Center Theater

Emory Douglas and Akinsanya Kambon, in conversation with professors Felice Blake and Diane Fujino, will deliver a presentation on the role of art in cultivating a radical imagination and developing activist practices

The lecture will be followed by a reception for the art exhibit at the MCC:
"50 Years and Counting: The Revolutionary Art of the Black Panther Party"
Monday, November 14
8 p.m.
Multicultural Center Lounge


Intergenerational Activist Dialogue

A community discussion promoting youth voices and youth leadership in collaboration with various generations of those in struggle for social justice.

Sunday, November 13, 2016
11 a.m.—1 p.m.
La Casa de la Raza
601 E. Montecito St, Santa Barbara
Light lunch following the dialogue
RSVP for the lunch to Rosa Pinter (rpinter@cbs.ucsb.edu, 805-893-3914)


For more information, contact Diane Fujino, CBSR director or Rosa Pinter, or call 805-893-3914