Aspire Institutional Change Initiative (IChange)

The purpose of the Aspire Institutional Change initiative (IChange) is to provide opportunities for increasing underrepresented STEM faculty recruitment, hiring, and retention. The goal is to provide all levels of support, including but not limited to, inclusive teaching, advising, and research mentoring practices for all STEM faculty. The IChange Network is designed to catalyze institutional change by providing a comprehensive, systematic approach to  organizational transformation using a structured self-assessment process, and a subsequent plan of action for assessment, implementation, and proliferation. Recruiting, hiring, and retaining more inclusive and diverse STEM faculty on our campus is essential for the increased success of all STEM students, the increased quality and achievements of our scientists, and the University of California's mission to serve in providing long term societal benefits of transmitting and advancing knowledge.  

By joining the Network, UCSB has agreed to participate in the three-year IChange process and to contribute core metrics to assess the progress and impact of the self-assessment results in the areas of recruitment, hiring, and retention policy, and practices. The IChange Network will guide the development of an action plan and will support the implementation through facilitating communities of practice around shared change goals, and through connecting these communities to a variety of resources and services.

IChange Institutions are committed to advancing Aspire’s three strategic goals through collective processes for change:

·       Deepen the preparation of all future, early-career, and current STEM faculty to be inclusive and effective in their undergraduate teaching, research mentoring, and advising

·       Diversify the national faculty through effective recruitment, hiring, and retention of URG  STEM faculty via institutional transformation in practices, policies, and resources

·       Foster postsecondary institutional cultures that recognize and value inclusivity and diversity broadly, and in the context of STEM faculty work specifically.

We are excited to be part of the IChange Network and be part of the deep commitment to transforming STEM education.