In order to preserve the observations, experiences, and wisdom of Santa Barbara’s African-American community — many of whose members are aging — the Center has undertaken an oral history project, spearheaded by the director and the community outreach coordinator, Sojourner Kincaid Rolle. Transcripts as well as the original videotaped interviews will be made available to scholars as part of the Davidson Library’s special collections.
Storycorps Interviews (coming soon)
The CBSR partnered with the Smithsonian Museum and National Public Radio to ensure that the Santa Barbara African American community was represented in their large-scale national project to document the meaningful contributions of diverse peoples throughout the nation. We arranged for five dyads to participate. The first person listed was interviewed by the latter, a close relation.
- Vivian "Aunt Bea” Scarborough & Akivah Northern (niece)
- Tim Jackson & Tony Jackson (son)
- Rev. James B. Ficklin (Greater Hope Missionary Baptist Church) & Bernice Wallace (daughter)
- Jewell Dennis & Christian Key Beckom (friend)
- Sojourner Kincaid Rolle & Wendy Sims Moten (friend)